Technologies and Science Advances

Nov 5th 2022

Is a fact that exists a relationship between new Technological Tools, available to use in research, and notorious Scientific advances.

Are we aware of what kind of relationship it is?

Here I provide 2 quotes for us to think about:

In the 18th century, Humphry Davy, a key contributor to the Electrochemical Theory, comments that: "Nothing tends so much to the advancement of knowledge as the application of a new instrument."

Recently, Sydney Brenner, a great Molecular Biologist and Scientific Thinker, pointed out: "I will ask you to mark again that rather typical feature of the development of our subject; how so much progress depends on the interplay of techniques, discoveries and new ideas, probably in that order of decreasing importance."

Note: I found abbreviated quotes that omit the word "interplay" and present the order as a temporal order, whereas the original quote speaks of "order of importance".

IMHO, these days, in the midst of an ever-increasing avalanche of garbage, it is an odyssey to find the real contributions to the development of science.
But, aside of the hype, IA and VR technologies are waiting for new world changing ideas and entrepreneurships!!
I'm very excited imagining the applications in neuroscience and healthcare.
Yes!, indeed as a button this example: MindCo

I'm preparing and entire post to VR applications and the differences between MindCo approach and others.

Bloom taxonomy

Image by Harish Sharma from Pixabay

All this opportunities are here now! Waiting for -open minds and hard work- teams to yield valuable innovations!

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