Recommended Books 1

date: Sep 18th 2022 blog

My first books recommendations! (Amazon affilitate links)

  • Taleb treats the meaning of uncertainty, chaos, suffering and adaptation from a system viewpoint Antifragile Inspect the book
  • Not only a best-seller, this book is the favorite of one of my team neuropsychologist: Fast and Slow Thinking visit the book
  • Peter Watson book, a must read! Do you think that the concepts of the Soul, Europe and the Experiment are the main achievements in the intelectual history of humanity? Ideas:_a_history Amazon affiliate link
  • "How people perceive themselves and the world, our conceptions of history, present and future. History of ideas wants to analyze and understand the emergence of intellectual and scientific culture and its relation to society, in the light of general notions and thought traditions and by means of a historical method." (from the site History of Ideas page)
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